
Stunning Wedding Bouquets

Produced by Jessica Kennon Spencer | Photographed by Kevin O'Riley

Jun 2014

With so many stunning flowers to choose from, we take our favorite three buds to 417-land florists who piece together bouquets that showcase these utterly romantic blooms.


The Poppy

“Poppies are great for summer because of the colors that are available. Orange, red and pinks all make a vibrant combination that is suitable to most summer wedding palettes. A poppy’s stem is very malleable, making the stem just as interesting as the bloom.” —RCena Maness, with Flowerama

Summer Standout: Juliet garden roses, scabiosa, ranunculus, veronica, poppies and seeded eucalyptus.
Florist: Flowerama
Availability: Spring and early summer
Cost: $175


The Peony

“The differed shades of the peonies creates a sophisticated and unconventional but romantic bouquet that’s as fragrant as it is timeless. It also combines varied textures and rich colors to form a luxurious floral statement.” Steve Waddell AIFD, with Wickman's Garden Village

Pretty in Pink: Pink peonies, white hydrangea, green hypericum, pink Astible accented with oregonia foliage.
Florist: Wickman's Garden Village
Availibility: April, May and June
Cost: $300–350


The Orchid

“The fashion-forward cascade bouquet is the perfect style for these jubilant blossoms. This vibrant radiant orchid fits with Pantone’s color of the year, which is “Radiant Orchid”. These colorful blooms are the perfect foil for rich foliage accents.” —Pat Phillips AIFD, with The Flower Merchant LTD

Radiant Pick: Radiant orchid, phaleanopsis orchids, orchid-tinted hydrangea, fatsia leaves, woven robellini palm fronds and lily grass accents.
Florist: The Flower Merchant LTD
Availability: Year round
Cost: $300–400