
Jane Troup’s New Series of Paintings

Jane Troupe’s new series captures unique fungi native to Missouri.

By Jo Everhart

Sep 2021

Jane Troup paints
Photo by Colby Kern MorrellJane Troup’s paintings give fungi a new perspective Purchase Photo

Many are familiar with Jane Troup’s past work depicting her connection to nature. Through the years she’s developed an extensive resume in the art world focusing on painting truthful, not literal, paintings of animals and sceneries. Her latest series stays true to her unique style but shifts its focus onto fungi. Troup started the series in the midst of the pandemic where she spent much of her time walking through the nearby woods. In the middle of winter much wildlife was dead, allowing her to easily find distinctive pieces of fungi. “There's such a variety and I wanted to explore that,” she says. “A lot of them you look at like, ‘there’s no way you found that in your backyard’ but if you just look a little closer, you'll see it.”
