New York Southern Style
Sheramie Shore introduced 417-land to an exclusive line of clothing and a heavy dose of Southern charm.
BY Savannah Waszczuk | Photo by Kevin O’Riley
May 2014

Sheramie Shore is a living, breathing example of everything that’s fabulous about the South.
Growing up in Louisiana and spending 20 years in Mississippi, Shore perfected the Southern accent that casually rolls from her tongue. Her warm smile and welcoming demeanor confirm she’s an expert in Southern hospitality, and her clothes, even on the most casual days, are prim, proper and fashionably elegant.
While living in Mississippi, Shore made the most of her fashion sense by starting New York Southern Style, LLC. She acts as a personal stylist and an independent sales associate for Worth New York, a designer line of women’s clothing that’s headquartered in New York City. Since she opened in 2010, her clientele has grown to more than 100, and along with a couple of colleagues in Mississippi, New York Southern Style has more than 150 clients. “It’s all about service,” Shore says. “I typically work with ladies who don’t have time to shop or simply don’t want to shop. They’ll buy clothes for an entire season at one time.”
Since her husband took on a new career with Bass Pro Shops, Shore relocated to Springfield in February 2014, and she brought New York Southern Style with her. Her first trunk show was at a friend’s Millwood home last March, and she’s planning to show Worth New York’s fall collection somewhere in 417-land in August. “I have four trunk shows a year,” Shore says. “Each show features clothing, belts, scarves and handbags.” When she’s not hosting shows, Shore regularly works with clients, both face-to-face and online, introducing them to Worth New York’s clothing and helping them dress for everything from high-profile careers to romantic date nights. She has items shipped to clients’ homes or delivers them herself, and she even handles the returns.
Along with this service comes one-of-a-kind style that can’t be found at any department store. “Worth is in New York, so the clothes have a bit of a New York edge,” Shore says. “I put my own twist on things, putting together outfits that are more tailored to a Southern look.” More than selling clothes, Shore is interested in helping women feel as good as they look. “I’ve had people tell me that I’ve saved their marriage and I’ve helped them get noticed at work,” Shore says. “I like helping ladies look their best and telling them how to dress, finding them clothes to both flatter their bodies and work with their lifestyle.”
If you’re interested in working with Sheramie Shore, call or text her at 601-942-9129, email her at sshore@worthnewyork.com or visit her website at nysouthernstyle.com.