Chad the Dad Explains Groundhog Day
Chad Harris, a stand-up comic and regular contributor to The Mystery Hour, hits the stage as Chad (the Dad). This month, Chad answers how to explain exactly what Groundhog Day is.
By Chad Harris
Feb 2020

How can I explain Groundhog Day to my kid?
I get it, the day is confusing. We base our hopes and dreams of early spring on the observations of a wary whistlepig. Even more misleading, if the marmot sees a shadow (indicating a clear day), it races back to its burrow for six more weeks of winter. What!? It’s a clear day; hang out and enjoy it, you thickwood badger! If the day is cloudy and no shadow is to be seen, spring is coming early.
To recap: A cloudy day (like a winter day) means early spring and nicer weather. A clear day (like a spring day) means more winter and worse weather.
Translation to your child: When dealing with groundhogs, expecting something good usually means something bad. The earliest mention of Groundhog Day was 1840. I think the tradition started as a way to have conversations with other people stuck in the house for weeks on end when you had to go without electronics, internet or accessible transportation.
“Wanna see if this rodent sees its shadow?”
“Sure, I’ll bet you an early spring on it.”
Listen, I’m not bagging on this bear-rat ritual—we should celebrate life. Chad (the Dad) recognizes that two of Bill Murray’s best performances center around a groundhog in Caddyshack and Groundhog Day, which signifies Groundhog Day (at its core) is truly based on humor.