Gin-Berry Slush
Plucking a perfect ripe berry from the bush (and eating it while it’s still warm from the sun) makes us smile. Adding gin to the mix, even more so.

Photo by Brandon AlmsCheers to summertime berries!
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Serves 4
2 cups frozen berries*
1 cup ice cubes
2 cups lemonade
6 ounces Meadowview
Botanical Gin
mint to garnish
*We recommend blueberries and blackberries. Wash and freeze them at home for this recipe.
To Prepare
1. Puree the frozen berries in a blender. Add ice cubes to the blender and crush them.
2. Place 1/2 cup of lemonade and 1.5 ounces of gin in a cocktail shaker with ice, and shake until cold.
3. Add half cup of berry slush and half cup of lemonade-gin mixture to a glass, gently stir to blend, garnish with a sprig of mint, and serve.