Five Things We Love
Make sure you're prepared for anything on your big day—a makeup snafu, a teary moment or even a wardrobe malfunction.
Photo by Kevin O’Riley
Dec 2012

1. Carry all your wedding-day necessities in this stylish leather and chain hard-case clutch. $58 at Staxx.
2. Don't leave home without the Magic Mitt makeup remover. $15 at Grove Spa.
3. Take a moment to unwind with the bridal party, and enjoy this book full of uplifting, love-inspired quotes. It's called "Love Life." $15.95 at The Market.
4. Avoid unwanted costume mishaps with Match Sticks tape strips. $10 at Town & County.
5. Dab away those tears of joy with these poppy-printed Gaspari hankies, $1.50 at The Market.