
417 Receives Missouri Navigator Media Award

From travel to local eats, “417 Magazine has become a go-to resource for residents in southwest Missouri, particularly those looking for engaging content covering places to see and things to do,” noted the presenting organization.

By Dayle Duggins | Video Courtesy Missouri Division of Tourism

Sep 28 2017 at 10 a.m.

We love being a cheerleader for the Ozarks. On September 27, we partied at the Missouri Governor’s Conference on Tourism and walked away with the Navigator Media Award. The accolade recognizes media outlets that support and promote tourism with stories and images that both inform and entice. 

“Leading the charge and serving as one of the region’s biggest cheerleaders is the team at 417 Magazine,” says the Missouri Division of Tourism, noting that the publication reaches more than 125,000 readers each month and is the No. 1 selling magazine on newsstands in the 417 area code.

It’s our mission to enrich the life of people like you with excellent content and experiences presented in an attractive and engaging way. "Flipping through the pages of 417, you find everything from tips on finding the best barbecue in the region to stories about locally-produced craft beers. You’ll find best practices for traveling with the kids and get the inside scoop on some of the best getaways the region has to offer," the award video says.

We appreciate you cheering for our region right alongside us and for making 417-land a fabulous place to live, filled with stories worth telling.