Meet the Maker of Peighton's Place Soap
Jane Wheeler of Peighton’s Place Soap has been making goat milk soap since 1999 and has been selling it at local favorites like Spring Creek Antiques & Tea Room in Ozark and the Crystal Bridges gift shop.
By Briley Rakow
Mar 2020

417 Home: How did you start making your own soaps?
Jane Wheeler: My husband and I have been teaching how to make various products, soap being one of them, at historical reenactments for years. Then, in 1999, my sister asked me to start making my own for the gift basket business she ran.
417: Why did you choose goat milk as your primary ingredient?
J.W.: It makes the soaps much creamier and more luxurious.
417: What inspires new products or scents?
J.W.: I look at what’s popular in different colors and trends, but I also get inspired by things I see when I’m out in my day-to-day life.
417: What’s the process you go through when you make your soaps?
J.W.: I have a recipe that I’ve always used, so I just have to melt down the oils and let the ingredients get to room temperature overnight. Then, I mix the ingredients, pour them into the molds and let them sit for 24 hours. Next, I cut them into bars and decorate the tops before letting them sit for eight weeks to let the moisture evaporate before use.
417: What are your plans for your business as we move into the new year?
J.W.: New designs, fragrances and whatever inspires me as the year moves forward!