Ask Dylan
417 Magazine’s General Manager Dylan Whitaker is now your personal answer man. Every month, he’s at your service—looking near and far to find the solutions to all your 417-land queries.
By Dylan Whitaker | Illustration by Dusty Campbell, Photo courtesy Creek Side Pub
Jun 2015

Get In Touch
Have a burning question? Email dylan@417mag.com with all your 417-land queries, and Dylan Whitaker will dig deep to find you the answer. Dylan, 33 years old, has lived in 417-land since 1997 and has been working in the magazine world for 13 years. A self-describe know-it-all, this opinionated local is a great go-to guy for what’s happening, what has happened and what’s about to happen in our region.
Where is the best seat at Hammons Field?
I assume this is coming from a serious baseball fan and not the type of fan who thinks an air-conditioned sky box with a delayed live feed of the game is the proper way to catch America’s favorite pastime. In my opinion, the best seats in the house at Hammons Field (springfieldcardinals.com) are the fourth and fifth seats of the last row of section H—directly behind home plate. Why not the aisle, you ask? The aisle seat is for rookies; it’s bush-league. I have learned over the years that the aisle seat sucks. You are constantly getting up for everybody else and being blocked by the cotton candy guy, and every other person who walks down the stairs in front of you blocks your view. It’s annoying, trust me. The other reason these are the best seats is because they give you a great panoramic view of the game. I also like them because I can see the pitches, and I love to let the umps know I’m there. You’re close to the bathrooms and concessions—and close to the exits when the game ends and fans flock to their cars.
Where can I find the best patio?
I just did a patio roundup for a recent issue of Table Talk, and I think I identified more than 50 patio choices in 417-land, so this is a tough one. I would have to say one of the most unique patios is located out back at Creek Side Pub (3830-C S. Lone Pine Ave., Springfield). It’s an unassuming and private little haven back there. The owner of Creek Side has done a great job blocking the patio from the public while locking in mother nature. You are surrounded by greenery, and a canopy of tree tops helps filter the hot rays of sun. This time of year, it’s the perfect place to sit outside, sip a beer and listen to the water that flows from Sequiota Lake (which is actually a spring and resembles more of a pond, but whatever) into Galloway Creek before it funnels into Lake Springfield. This patio is a peach.
Who has the coldest beer in town?
I have poured lots of my own hard-earned money into the research and development of this particular question, so I’m glad my hard work is finally paying off. I can honestly say that every time I have dined at Pappy’s Place (943 N. Main Ave., Springfield) I have ordered a beer. And every time my mug of ice-cold beer arrives, I always have to grab a fat stack of napkins because the top of my beer is frozen, overflowing and melting. I love ice-cold beer, so a beer slushy is fine by me. I have no idea how they keep the beer lines as cold as the Arctic. I just want to keep enjoying my beer slushies.