Pepresso at Elle's Patisserie
Peppercorns and chocolate spice up your everyday espresso for a spicy and savory experience in a world filled with sugary frappes.
By Rose Marthis
Oct 2017

(Note: Since this article was published Elle's Patisserie has closed)
Most people get their caffeine fixes in the morning hours, but I typically need my boost late afternoon. So on a recent Friday, I got to leave the office early and thought I would celebrate with a sip of specialty coffee from Elle’s Patisserie (1454 E. Cherry St., Springfield, 417-832-2171). I walked in and was immediately welcomed with a French greeting, adding to the already adorable aesthetic of the small café. After scanning the menu of innovative takes on flavor combinations, I settled on the Pepresso, which has chocolate and mixed peppercorns spicing up espresso. You can either let the chocolate sit on the bottom and let the flavor come through the drink as you sip it, or you can get it stirred. I opted for the former, but wish I hadn’t. Your first sip is all peppercorns if you don’t stir it up. Past that, the drink is a welcome spicy and savory experience in a world filled with sugary frappes.