
Your Healthy Living Checklist

From exercise to nutrition, it's time to tackle your health goals like a pro. Print this handy checklist to keep tabs on your progress and hold yourself accountable.

By Ettie Berneking

Dec 23 2019 at 11:39 a.m.

Middle aged woman running

A new year means a new chance to put your health first, and Loehr Health Center has the checklist you need to navigate your 2020 health goals like a pro. Loehr’s holistic approach to wellness goes beyond your regular massage and realignment. The team at Loehr can help with everything from prenatal care and sports rehab to holistic pediatrics and acupuncture. Download this checklist and put it on your fridge to hold yourself accountable!


Loehr Health Center

Mix Up Your Exercise Routine

“Every person is different,” says Loehr Athletic Trainer, Kelsey Abbott. “Exercising three to four times per week is what we recommend.” Before hitting the gym, make sure you’re set up for success.
☐ Meet with a trainer to plan and customize a workout routine. 
☐ Set goals based on your fitness level like run a 5K, do 10 push-ups a day, or check out the Bass Pro Fitness Series for a list of upcoming races that range in distance and intensity.
☐ Enlist a friend or loved one to be your fitness partner.

Improve Your Nutrition

Wellness begins with your diet, but that means more than getting your daily intake of fruits and vegetables. “Don't focus on what you can't eat. Start focusing on adding one healthy food daily to your diet. Before long, you'll be eating enough good food that you won't have time to eat the bad foods,” Dr. Steven Loehr says. 
 Drink more water. You need a minimum of half your bodyweight in ounces per day. 
 Find out what foods your body needs with a food sensitivity test. Once your lab results are in, your doctor will provide you with a custom nutrition plan, exercise plan and personalized health coaching to meet your goals.
 Swap that sugary afternoon snack for a fresh juice. Check out Loehr's three favorite snacks to pick up while from MaMa Jean’s Natural Market. 

“Work out. Eat well. Be patient. Your body will reward you.”
— Jason Hall, Titleist Performance Institute Certified Trainer at Loehr

Stay Well

When was the last time you had a checkup? Chances are it’s been awhile. This is the year that you integrate internal wellness into your health plan.
☐ Schedule annual checkups in advance. Check with your insurance to see what visits are covered in your plan and be proactive. 
☐ Meet with a functional medicine physician to learn how everyday factors are impacting chronic pain and discomfort. The physician will treat the body through nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle modifications instead of medicine.
 Create a health checklist to set short- and long-term goals like weight loss or lowering your blood pressure.

Woman foam rolling
Much like massage therapy, a foam roller can relieve muscle soreness and even improve your range of motion.


Stress can take a serious toll on your overall health. “Hormones released from chronic stress can be your worst enemy when trying to lead a healthy lifestyle,” Dr. Loehr says. Head into the new year without a plan on how to stay calm and reduce anxiety.
☐ Boost endorphins by enjoying a relaxing massage.
☐ Unwind mentally and physically with a Tai Chi class coming soon to Loehr’s new Farmers Park location. Stay tuned for the schedule.
☐ Improve your sleep and reduce stress with acupuncture. This ancient form of treatment helps stimulate your body’s healing processes and can improve chronic pain, weight loss, allergies, insomnia and much more.

Get the Gear

Next time you need some retail therapy, fill your shopping cart with items you can use in your new fitness and wellness routine.
 Replace your worn out sneakers and shoe inserts with custom orthotics. 
 Get a foam roller to help your muscles recover after a long workout or even after a day of sitting at your desk. Much like massage therapy, a foam roller can relieve muscle soreness and even improve your range of motion. 
☐ Pick up Biofreeze Professional and give your muscles some TLC after your next workout. 

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