Cup O'Cheer Homes Tour 2015
Tour Springfield area homes that are decked out for the holiday and support Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Ozarks while you’re at it.
by Julie Sedenko Davis | Photos courtesy Architectural Imageworks LLC, Ronald McDonald House
Nov 2015

It’s everything the holidays are meant to be about: beauty, giving, food, shopping, friends and family, and that deep-down kind of happiness associated with Christmas. The annual Cup O’Cheer Homes Tour wraps all of these things together in a single day of seasonal festivities benefiting Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Ozarks.
Five distinctive homes are richly decorated and open for ticket holders to tour. Ronald McDonald House, near Cox South, is one of the destinations. Last year nearly 900 families found solace and support in this extraordinary place. President and CEO of Ronald McDonald Charities of the Ozarks, Bonnie Keller, says the vast majority of families using the facility are far from home and wouldn’t otherwise have a place to keep their family together. “We’ve had people say they don’t know how they would have gotten through the whole experience with their child’s illness if they hadn’t had the houses.” Also, the ability to share a home with others who truly understand is an invaluable resource.
In addition to the homes tour, guests can enjoy an elegant tea spread featuring desserts by French chef, Roland Parny. The first 1,200 people to purchase tickets receive a one-of-a-kind fine china teacup and saucer designed by Obelisk Home specifically for the event.
To celebrate the Cup O’Cheer Homes Tour’s 20th anniversary, organizers added a pop-up market to this year’s event. Located at Remingtons, dozens of vendors offer gift items for holiday shopping. Admission to the market is included in the price of the tour. Those without Cup O’Cheer tour tickets can purchase admission to the market for just $5.
Every vendor contributes an item for a special pop-up market raffle. Purchase as many tickets as you’d like and enter your tickets specifically for the items you hope to win. A second raffle is held at the Ronald McDonald House. Four winners each receive a $250 gift card to Obelisk Home.
The Cup O’Cheer Homes Tour is designed to be a come-and-go event, accommodating a variety of schedules. Start wherever you like along the tour via shuttle stops offering free front-door service.
About 1,500 people are expected to kick off their holidays with the Cup O’Cheer Homes Tour. Together they will likely provide Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Ozarks with more than $50,000. The money offers sick children the ability to have their families with them while they focus on getting well.
Location: Ronald McDonald House, 949 E. Primrose St., Springfield
Interior and holiday design of common areas and 3 bedrooms by: Dillard’s, Ellecor Design & gifts, The Flower Merchant, Gamble’s Gift Gallery, Martin’s Floral & Home Décor, Me and My House, Obelisk Home, Steve Roberson, The Willow Branch
This special home is a collaboration of love from local businesses and design professionals. A sanctuary for families facing the unknown, it off ers a place of peace and friendship with others in similar crises.
Location: Natural Bridge
Owners: Joe & Anne Kofron
Home and Holiday décor by: Anne Kofron
Every door in the Kofron home is unique. But the home’s distinctiveness doesn’t end there. Anne, a space planner and interior de-signer, has a knack for repurposing unusual items into functional pieces. An extensive art collection is also on display using a museum style hanging method.
Location: Chesterfield Village
Owners: Larry & Brenda Snider
Home and Holiday décor by: Brenda Snider
Larry and Brenda have added new Christ-mas trees and décor to their holiday collec-tion every year since 2003. Each has its own theme featuring treasured collections and memories. The trees are framed by 20-foot ceilings and a fl oor-to-ceiling rock fi replace with hand-hewn beam mantel.
Location: Fremont Hills
Owners: Eldon & Ida Marie Erwin
Interior and holiday décor by: Interior Makers by Ida Marie
The Erwins’ love of nature and photography are evident throughout this home. Enjoy a rustic lodge atmosphere in the lower level with its stone fi replace and nostalgic images from the couple’s many hiking trips. An interior de-signer, Ida Marie will incorporate her personal style of holiday décor throughout the home.
Location: Highland Springs
Owners: Bill & Karen Krittenbrink
Interior design assistance by: Linda Shaeffer Interior Designs | Holiday décor by: Judy Mears & Linda Shaeffer
This unique home, constructed primarily of glass and limestone evokes the distinctive style of Frank Lloyd Wright. Recently renovated, slate fl oors serve as a backdrop to the Krit-tenbrink’s abstract art collection. Handcrafted Santas by local artist, Barbara Dullum, will be on display.
Do you really, really love racking up holiday decor ideas? Here's another Christmas homes tour in 417-land:
Christmas Tour of Homes
December 4 and 5, 2015
Before you start decorating your home for the holiday season, get out and see some of the most beautifully decorated spaces in 417-land at the Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake’s Christmas Tour of Homes. There are four homes on the tour, which is celebrating its 15th year, and there is also a Gifts and Glitz Galleria at the Kimberling Area Library. All proceeds benefit Stone and Taney County charities.
$15 in advance or $20 on tour days; homes open 10 a.m.–4 p.m. on December 4 and 5. Purchase tickets at Kimberling Area Library or Harter House in Kimberling City; Metropolitan Bank in Branson West or Price Chopper in Branson. To learn more, visit hometour.nftrl.org.