Lil Olive’s Art Reflects Her Backyard
Artist Lil Olive has been painting for 20 years, but her latest series allows us to reflect on the importance of nature.
By Rose Marthis
Mar 2019

North Springfield–based artist Lil Olive finds inspiration for her paintings in her backyard. Living in the country with a flower garden, ponds and a lake helps her focus on the shapes and movement she finds in water, leading her to her series of paintings on reflections. “I like to use photos I have taken of my flowers in the water for reference,” she says. This series includes the painting Roses to Remember, and Olive chose roses because they are a symbolic reminder of sentimentality. She feels sentimental toward nature and uses this series as a love letter to it. Olive also wants to portray nature's elegance and gentleness, and motivate her viewers to take action to protect the environment. “I hope to reveal a particular beauty and fragility [in nature]," she says.
See more of Lil Olive's work on her website and catch her show at Obelisk Home opening April 5, 2019.