Step Inside the Oghlakian's Stunning Contemporary Wonder
Dr. Roger Oghlakian and his wife Dr. Mathilda Oghlakian spent five months turning their modernized dreams into a reality.
By Jenna deJong | Photos by Brandon Alms
Jan 2018

The goal was something unique. Dr. Roger Oghlakian and his wife Dr. Mathilda Oghlakian spent five months picking out decorations and color schemes for their new home, and the result is extraordinary.
Roger spends 60 to 70 hours a week as a neurologist, specializing in epilepsy and seizures. When he comes home to his wife and two kids, he always dreamt of returning to contemporary splendor. After months of planning with Mathilda, his wish was granted in their Millwood home.
When the couple moved to Springfield, their first house was more traditional; they decorated to the best of their abilities, but it still didn’t feel like home. “We used different pieces, but since the home was more traditional on the outside and interior, we were limited with what we could do,” Roger says.

The Oghlakians were so eager to show their true style that they started buying decorations before they closed on their newly built 5,000-square-foot Tuscan-style home in January. They held off their move-in date for four months, determined to have the house finished before settling down.
The result is stunning. The couple used acrylics, metals, gold, chrome, velvet and leather throughout the entire house, and the same color scheme is repeated in each room. “I wouldn’t call it modern because when I think of modern, I think of simplicity,” Roger says. “It’s modern, but it is complicated, so it’s something a lot of people haven’t seen before.”
When the couple was in the middle of planning, they kept the house as a whole in mind. “We looked at a lot of California homes and got ideas from that,” he says. “We wanted to leave an impression and make it feel as if you left Springfield and entered another place.” They spent many nights online choosing pieces that would match their ideas, except for a few items purchased at Obelisk Home.
Only one piece was brought from their previous house—a chair. “At the time, I told [Mathilda] the custom chair was very expensive, but we loved it so much,” Roger says. “We had just moved in [to our old house], but we wanted the place to feel like ours. It just reminds us of where we got our start.”
Since moving in at the end of April, the couple has held multiple gatherings and received praise for their dedication and styling. “So many people have said this space is so us and call it the ‘Oghlakian Boutique,’” he says. “We spent a lot of sleepless nights measuring, but every single minute was worth it.”