Best Dressed Winner: Bryant Young
The insurance agent at Insurors of the Ozarks describes his style as "Hipster Seth Rogan."
By Katie Pollock Estes
Mar 2019

Insurance Agent, Insurors of the Ozarks
What three words define your personal style?
Hipster Seth Rogan
Who are your fashion role models?
My wife told me it would be weird to choose locals as my fashion icons and that I should pick celebrities. So, I’m only going to exclusively pick Ozarkians, just to bother her. Ok, let’s see. I’ll pick Ryan Murray; that guy can wear a suit. My father, Greg Young, taught me the importance of a pressed shirt and shined shoes. He also taught me to ask my mom how to iron a shirt. Finally, I wish I was as cool as my barber, Sean Brownfield, because I’m not sure I could rock those leopard pants or a felt Stetson hat like he does (as much as I’d like to). Also, as a beard aficionado myself, I’m always envious of his whiskers.
What’s your signature piece?
Probably a tie between my Redwing Iron Ranger boots and the asymmetrical brown tweed blazer I’ve had for years that seems to go with everything. I also wore both the night I asked my wife to marry me, so they’ll always hold a special place in my closet.
Where do you find inspiration for your closet?
I look all over creation for individual pieces I enjoy. As much as I clearly look like Ryan Reynolds, I’m not going to try and copy his aesthetic exactly. Where’s the fun in that? I do, however, borrow his proclivity towards layering and cardigans. I like classic American styles with updated twists. I like “sock ties,” the knit ties I originally discovered from my favorite mustachioed high school Latin teacher. I like classic Levi’s, but in the more modern 502 fit that I’m sure Justin Timberlake wears. Probably.
What is your favorite fashion trend right now?
I’m not big on chasing trends (ugly dad sneakers were my least favorite trend of late, but you aren’t asking that, huh?). However, I do like that men are wearing pants that actually fit. I didn’t take many anatomy classes in business school, but it’s fair to say that a leg is usually wider at the hip than it is at the ankle. Pants should be shaped accordingly. Men of the ’80s and their giant, triple pleated, straight leg, MC Hammer trousers were definitely a look, but I’m a big fan of the tapered pant leg.
If you could wear one brand or designer for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
I’m not too much of a singular brand snob anymore. In high school, everything had to be Hollister and Buckle. In college, Ralph Lauren, Vineyard Vines and Northface. Now I’m more interested in what the clothes look like rather than the branding on the breast. Todd Snyder’s clothes are some of my favorite. I wore clothing of a similar style before I even knew his brand existed. I love his chunky sweaters, well fitting Oxford and denim button downs and tailored Champion sweatshirts. The clothing doesn’t have to have his logo, but I like to emulate his looks.
What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever worn?
Easy. Circa 2005. Two Hollister polos (both collars popped) with pre-ripped, stone-washed jeans, puka shell necklace, half a bottle of hair gel, leather cuff bracelet, Walmart aviator sunglasses and leather flip-flops. Sixteen-year-old Bryant thought he was haaawt.
What are your favorite places to shop in 417-land?
Modern Society is my favorite spot for “cool guy” clothes. Bryan has turned me on to several cool brands. 5 Pound Apparel has great T-shirts, and Just For Him has every requisite beard product known to man.
The Best Dressed winners worked the runway at the 13th annual Fashionation on Saturday, April 6 at Springfield Expo Center.
Want more style? Check out 417 Magazine's Best Dressed Hall of Fame, all of whom walked the runway at Fashionation. There are suits with sparks of personality, 1940s inspiration and plenty of eclectic style.